Auction of mobile phone frequencies in 2012

The companies Orange, Sunrise and Swisscom have been allocated mobile telephony frequencies in the auction which took place in early 2012. The allocation concerned on the one hand frequencies which were already free or which would soon become free and on the other hand all those granted to operators in the past; the Communications Commission (ComCom) had launched the procedure to guarantee the future of mobile telephony provision of high quality and at the lowest possible prices.

At the end of 2011, four companies had filed a candidature dossier. The company In&Phone was not able to take part in the auction because analysis of the documents revealed that it did not satisfy the legal requirements and the obligations related to the procedure. Thus operators Orange, Sunrise and Swisscom will share the frequencies in accordance with the table below. The auctions made CHF996'268'000 for the federal treasury.

Auctioned frequencies

Frequenzy band




800 MHz

 20 MHz

 20 MHz

 20 MHz

900 MHz

 10 MHz

 30 MHz

 30 MHz

1800 MHz

 50 MHz

 40 MHz

 60 MHz

2.1 GHz FDD

 40 MHz

 20 MHz

 60 MHz

2.1 GHz TDD




2.6 GHz FDD

 40 MHz

 50 MHz

 40 MHz

2.6 GHz TDD



 45 MHz

Adjudication price





Frequency Division Duplex => Two radio channels are needed for a connection


Time Division Duplex => Only one radio channel is needed for a connection

Last modification 23.02.2012

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