Telecommunications services on short numbers

The short numbers used within the framework of the public telephone service are in principle made up of three digits (one or two digits can be added in certain specific cases), the first of which is a 1 (format=1xx). These numbers are reserved for the emergency call services, rescue and breakdown services, safety information services and directory information services (format=18xy) and are assigned on request by OFCOM.

Total number of calls made to short numbers (for the period from 01.01 to 31.12) (Table SFM4)
  2018 2019 2020 (a) 2021 2022 var. 21-22

Number 112 (emergency calls)

589'772 700'506 842'392 1'037'146 986'525 -4.9%

Number 117 (Police)

1'456'482 1'597'425 1'527'358 2'043'381 2'087'837 2.2%

Number 118 (Fire)

204'138 196'998 430'981 332'376 243'417 -26.8%

Number 143 ("La main tendue" - Samaritans helpline)

377'216 429'934 471'877 544'014 550'243 1.1%

Number 144 (Ambulances, emergency calls)

643'476 679'846 728'602 874'790 923'428 5.6%

Number 147 (Children and young person's helpline)

113'064 122'260 101'378 98'262 101'527 3.3%

To other short numbers

342'974 307'224 233'721 353'677 222'557 -37.1%

Total number of calls established to short numbers

3'727'122 4'034'194 4'336'309 5'283'646 5'115'534 -3.2%
Note :
a) Figures for 2020 are questionable, as a major market player did not provide data for that year.
Total number of calls to the directory enquiry service from 01.01 to 31.12 (Table SFM5A)
Year Fixed network Mobile network Total
2017 3'408'433 3'894'635 7'303'068
2018 2'127'336 2'063'200 4'190'536
2019 1'251'892 1'550'700 2'802'592
2020     1'236'354     1'047'223     2'283'577
2021 1'262'488 874'422 2'136'910
2022    1'079'032       680'433    1'759'465
var. 21-22 -14.5% -22.2% -17.7%

Specialist staff
Last modification 25.03.2024

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