Submit an application for a regional VHF licence for short-term events

OFCOM grants short-term VHF licences for radio projects of an educational nature, within the framework of youth work or which accompany major public events.

You can apply for a licence online by clicking on the "Apply for" button at the bottom of this page. However, first of all please take note of the conditions of award and the information below.

A programme service within the framework of a VHF short-term licence may be broadcast for a maximum of 30 days within a period of 60 days in a local or regional area. Short-term VHF broadcasts are generally limited to specific purposes, i.e. primarily to the radiophonic coverage of major public events (such as festivals, sporting events or exhibitions) in the coverage area concerned, to educational and training purposes (e.g. in the context of media studies in schools) and to youth work (for example during scout camps or other youth camps). Short-term trans-regional licences are not granted, because such programme services would require a considerable number of VHF frequencies. A broadcaster can obtain a maximum of one such licence per calendar year.

Costs and fees

For processing a licence application, OFCOM levies administrative fees which are based on the actual time expended. The licensee must also pay a fee for the administration and technical monitoring of the frequency spectrum which is calculated according to the number of persons reached. Overall, fees of CHF 300 to 1500 can be expected for each short-term event licence.

Further information

The legal basis for the granting of VHF short-term licences can be found in Article 45 para. 2 of the Radio and Television Act (RTVA / CC 784.40) and in Article 44 of the Radio and Television Ordinance (RTVO / CC 784.401). The administrative fees are calculated according to Article 100 para. 1 letter a of the RTVA, Article 79 para. 1 (RTV), Article 40 para. 1 letter d of the Telecommunications Act (TCA / CC 784.10), Article 4 of the Telecommunications Fees Ordinance (TFO / CC 784.106) (German or French) and Article 2 para. 2, Article 12 letter a and Article 23 para. 1 of the DETEC Ordinance on Administrative Fees in the Telecommunications Sector (CC 784.106.12) (German or French).


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