
Internet domain names

Among other things, domain names make it possible to assign a unique address to every website. These names, such as, are currently used very often, primarily for accessing websites or sending e-mails. Traditional extensions, such as .ch or .com, will be augmented by new top level domain names related to brands or geographic names. In this context, the Confederation has set a strategy which seeks to protect the country’s public interest in relation to the management of domain names. Furthermore, it has acquired the extension .swiss from ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers). The registration of .swiss domain names is possible since autumn 2015.

Net neutrality

Since 1 January 2021, the open internet in Switzerland has been regulated by Article 12e of the Telecommunications Act (TCA). The details are set out in Article 10f of the Ordinance on Telecommunications Services (OTS). Between October 2013 and October 2014, a federal government working group comprising various stakeholders and experts drafted a set of basic principles for discussing net neutrality. Their report included an analysis of the issues concerning net neutrality.

Combating cybercrime

Under certain conditions, the ".ch" domain registry is required to block domain names suspected of being used for phishing or the distribution of harmful software.

Criminal responsibility of internet service providers (ISPs)

The applicable law does not always give a clear indication of the criminal responsibility of internet providers. According to the recommendation of an expert commission which was put out for consultation by the Federal Council, such responsibility should be explicitly regulated in the Criminal Code and in the Military Criminal Code. At the end of February 2008, however, the Federal Council decided against new provisions as the existing general regulation of criminal responsibility is sufficient for internet communication issues.

Swiss IGF

The next Swiss IGF will be held on Wednesday, 5 June 2024 as a hybrid event at Welle 7 in Bern and virtually. Participation is open to all interested parties and is free of charge.

Internet of Things (IoT)

The IoT is the networking of objects over the internet, such as, for example, industrial machines, cars, TVs and washing machines. Billions of "intelligent objects" are being created as a result of this networking and the ever-increasing proliferation of sensors in (everyday) objects. However, a standard definition of the IoT has not yet been adopted by the various participants involved.

Testing internet quality

Wer einen Internetzugang hat, kann dessen Qualität seit dem 1. September 2021 mit einem standardisierten Werkzeug messen. Die grossen Schweizer Anbieterinnen von Internetzugängen bieten dieses Werkzeug ihren Kundinnen und Kunden gemeinsam an.

Last modification 31.05.2022

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