The Plateforme Tripartite for digital governance and artificial intelligence in Switzerland

The Plateforme Tripartite is a national information hub and multi-stakeholder platform for exchanging information on topics related to internet and digital governance and artificial intelligence (AI). The platform, which currently has around 300 members, is open to all interested persons and institutions in Switzerland. Its administrative committee is made up of around 80 representatives from all government departments, and coordinates the platform's activities within the Federal Administration.

New digital technologies and applications, especially AI- and data-based systems and platforms, are growing rapidly. Their widespread use provides many opportunities for economic and social innovation, but also presents us with new challenges. It is vital that we understand not only the technologies and their applications, but also their impact if we want to harness the potential of digital transformation while minimising the associated risks. One important factor in this is the highly dynamic and international environment in which new technologies are developed and applied. Appropriate international rules in the digital space are therefore of great importance to Switzerland in light of its small size, open society and dynamic economy.

The importance of open and inclusive dialogue with all stakeholders

OFCOM has maintained the Plateforme Tripartite since the UN World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in 2003. The platform is designed to increase understanding of the needs, concerns and expectations of the various stakeholders and to take them into account in the development of appropriate rules for the digital space. It provides a forum for exchange on topics relevant to internet and digital governance, including new areas such as AI, platformisation and data governance. The Plateforme Tripartite is open to all interested parties from the private sector, civil society, academia, all levels of government and the technical segment of the internet community. It holds several in-person, online or hybrid meetings per year. Online information exchange and consultations also take place outside of meetings. The Plateforme Tripartite has around 300 members.

Administrative committee for coordination within the Federal Administration

The Plateforme Tripartite is managed by an administrative committee comprised of around 80 representatives of the Federal Administration, which focuses on coordinating Swiss positions on international processes and committees on AI. The committee also monitors the federal government's AI guidelines, in addition to providing an overview of the need for action in AI-related sectors from the perspective of the relevant federal agencies.

The current state of artificial intelligence regulation

On 22 November 2023, the Federal Council issued a mandate to draw up an overview of the possible regulation of AI in Switzerland by the end of 2024, see the press release here: Federal Council examines regulatory approaches for artificial intelligence. OFCOM will provide regular updates on the work on the interpretative framework via the platform and offer the opportunity for exchange and input. To this end, OFCOM is organising several meetings for all interested parties of the Plateforme Tripartite over the course of 2024.

Participating in the Plateforme Tripartite

If you would like to participate in the Plateforme Tripartite's activities or join the mailing list, please send an email to

Specialist staff
Last modification 11.03.2024

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