Internet Service Providers

As far as access to internet services (Internet Service Provider or ISP) is concerned, we are interested only in TSPs providing the internet service to end users and not in resellers of internet subscriptions for TSPs.

Services on fixed networks

Distribution of internet users according to the type of connection (Table SF7)
Number of internet users as of 31.12 according to type of connection
Year PSTN or ISDN Broadband Internet Total
Cable-modem DSL Optical fibre Fixed WiMAX Other connections Total
 2018 4'839 1'131'234 2'020'790 720'289 199 9'691 3'882'203 3'887'042
2019  1'517 1'126'912 2'041'347 844'993 152 9'116 4'022'520 4'024'037
2020 422 1'055'896 2'029'525 925'236   9           4'076 4'014'742 4'015'164
2021 1'225 1'056'672 2'035'036 1'077'066 0 3'987 4'172'761 4'173'986
2022 1'037 1'032'594 1'920'934 1'145'159 6 4'503 4'103'196 4'104'233
var. 21-22 -15.3% -2.3% -5.6% 6.3% - 12.9% -1.7% -1.7%

Number of broadband internet users according to the downlink transfer rate

Distribution of broadband internet users according to bandwidth (Table SF8)
Number of broadband internet users according to the downlink transfer rate 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 var.21-22
< 2Mbit/s 3'557 4'187 1'898 4'146 4'922 18.7%
≥ 2 Mbit/s and < 10 Mbit/s 176'695 133'015 47'030 34'161 25'994 -23.9%
≥10 Mbit/s and < 30 Mbit/s 288'889 264'691 276'178 202'002 171'479 -15.1%
30 Mbit/s and < 100 Mbit/s 1'367'930 1'086'353 843'538 563'002 397'750 -29.4%
≥ 100 Mbit/s et < 1 Gbit/s 1'575'224 1'957'752 2'212'175 2'478'886 2'556'876 3.1%
≥ 1 Gbit/s
460'018 567'254 629'838 886'577 941'666 6.2%
Total number of broadband internet users 3'882'203 4'022'520 4'014'742 4'172'761 4'103'196 -1.7%

Facts and figures

In the following Excel file, you will find detailed information, figures and graphs.

Specialist staff
Last modification 26.03.2024

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