International postal services

The emergence of new players and the increased importance of digitalisation and online trade are rapidly changing the postal sector and bringing major challenges to postal service providers. In order to continue to provide high-quality services, postal service providers need to react and adjust to the new circumstances. This makes international coordination all the more important to prepare the postal sector for the future and to continue to guarantee a global postal network.

Importance for Switzerland

Switzerland attaches great importance to the proper functioning of international postal traffic. As the host state of the Universal Postal Union (UPU) headquarters, Switzerland is committed to ensuring that the UPU continues to play its role as a central exchange platform for players in the postal sector and that global postal traffic continues to operate in a stable and reliable manner in the future.

OFCOM’s activities

OFCOM is actively involved in the following organisations in the area of the international postal services:

Specialist staff
Last modification 01.05.2024

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