New digital radio network for German-speaking Switzerland

The radio licence of 10 April 2012 allows SwissMediaCast AG (SMC) to construct a third digital DAB+ transmitter network in German-speaking Switzerland. The network consists of five sub-areas and serves as a platform for regionally oriented private programme services, as well as the regional journals of the SRG. Construction is expected to be completed by 2016.

Originally the SMC received a radio licence for the construction of seven sub-areas. On occupying the platform, the licensee noted an increasing demand for larger regional sub-areas among broadcasters. In particular, the broadcasters in the areas of Zurich, north-west and central Switzerland wanted a launch in different sub-areas, even though this would have resulted in correspondingly higher costs for them. OFCOM therefore agreed to a licence amendment on 20 February 2013 which enabled a merger of the subareas of Zurich, central Switzerland and Basel to form the new sub-area of northern Switzerland.

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Specialist staff
Last modification 20.02.2013

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