
The goal of Swiss telecommunications regulation is to ensure that the population and economy are provided with diverse, inexpensive, high-quality and competitive telecommunications services. To this end, the legislation grants telecommunications service providers (TSP) rights in relation to the State or to other providers, though it also imposes obligations on TSPs.

An important instrument for enforcing these obligations is the surveillance of TSPs performed by the Federal Office of Communications (OFCOM). This is performed on the basis of annual campaigns and clarification on the one hand, and in response to complaints from consumers or competitors on the other.

If obligations are violated, measures in accordance with Article 58 of the Telecommunications Act (TCA) may be ordered or financial penalties in accordance with Article 60 TCA may be imposed. In relation to licences which are awarded by the Federal Communications Commission (ComCom), the latter takes the necessary measures.

Last modification 09.01.2017

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