Market regulation

Analyses of regulation in the telecommunications area

Mobile network sharing and fixed-mobile convergence in Switzerland

The Federal Communications Commission (ComCom) and the Federal Office of Communications (OFCOM) commissioned a study of mobile network sharing and fixed-mobile convergence in Switzerland. The study provides an information base to guide policy and the authorities, as well as decision-making aids with regard to possible network cooperation.

The study produced by WIK Consult (Wissenschaftliches Institut für Infrastruktur und Kommunikationsdienste) analyses the forms of joint use of mobile networks in terms of cost savings and impact on investment and the market behaviour of mobile network operators. It also outlines the possible effects on competition. In addition, the study sheds light on the increasing convergence of mobile and fixed networks and the potential effects on the market.

The evaluation on the basis of regulatory economics and the recommendations derived by the authors for Switzerland are based primarily on the findings of an analysis of international trends in regulatory practice and the market reality of network sharing.

Analysis of alternative methods of price regulation

This study performed by Wissenschaftliches Institut für Kommunikation (WIK) contains an analysis of possible price regulation options for the Swiss telecoms market. This is against the background of the profound technological changes to telecommunications networks which are currently taking place. The study aims to compile and develop proven and innovative new methods of price regulation for wholesale products and then to assess these with regard to the economics of regulation and with a view to decision-making. This evaluation is carried out with the assessment criteria of consumer benefit, sustainable competition, investment incentives and practicability in mind.

In the study, a total of 40 individual recommendations are given for the five most important regulated wholesale products in Switzerland. They are worked out on the basis of a detailed analysis of the existing situation in terms of telecommunications legislation, initial market position and essential regulatory decisions. The regulatory policy issues which are now awaiting resolution in Switzerland are being raised throughout Europe, where some have already been resolved. The study therefore also highlights important regulatory policy developments and decisions in Europe which fall within the context of this study.

A theoretical analysis of the economics of regulation constitutes a substantial part of the study. This is carried out in close conjunction with the specificities of the regulatory issues concerning the relevant wholesale products.

Analysis of alternative methods of price regulation (PDF, 135 kB, 23.05.2012)Summary - for the complete version please click on the german language option above in the navigation menu.

Scenarios for a national optical fibre expansion strategy in Switzerland

As part of the evaluation of the telecommunications market (2010) adopted by the federal council the consultancy Infras (Zurich) was contracted to develop approaches for the regulation of modern telecommunications networks (in particular of new optical fibre access networks.)

Approaches to the regulation of modern telecom networks (PDF, 118 kB, 17.09.2010)Summary - for the complete version please click on the german language option above in the navigation menu.

Comparative study on the effectiveness of telecommunications regulators (July 2003)

On the basis of case studies carried out in 8 industrialised countries, including Switzerland, Professor M. Finger and his team from the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, (EPFL) set out to analyse the impact of the sector regulator with regard to realising the public policy objectives in telecommunications and to explain the differences observed between the countries studied.

Specialist staff
Last modification 10.08.2018

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