OFCOM is committed to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

On 25 September 2015, the United Nations unanimously adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which forms the global frame of reference for sustainable development until 2030. Switzerland is committed to implementing the 2030 Agenda at both the national and international level.

OFCOM's activities also help to achieve these objectives:


The Federal Administration supports women’s participation in social, economic, political and public life at all decision-making levels. Being a major employer, it has a responsibility to serve as a role model. In its human resources strategy, the Federal Administration has established various targets to ensure that an adequate proportion of women hold middle and senior management positions.

OFCOM's senior management team adopts annual diversity objectives and corresponding measures. An internal committee is responsible for implementation. In 2019-2020, OFCOM focussed on ‘gender’, ‘multilingualism’, ‘people with disabilities’ and ‘generations’. Among other things, the proportion of female employees is to be increased and more information about technical professions is to be provided to girls and women. In addition, current efforts to strike the right balance between ‘family AND career’ are to be continued.

Equal opportunities for all (admin.ch)


OFCOM supports the activities of the UN and other international organisations aimed at stimulating young women's interest in professions relating to science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM professions). It also promotes projects that take greater account of the perspectives and needs of women in the development of new technologies. This is the case, for example, within the framework of the EQUALS initiative (https://equals-eu.org/).


OFCOM establishes the general conditions for effective competition and ensures universal needs-based access to services. It does this so that the population and economic players have secure, modern communications infrastructures and a wide range of different, affordable and competitive telecommunications and postal services.

In the telecommunications sector, OFCOM allocates radio frequencies and addresses resources, ensures interference-free radio traffic, regulates market access for telecommunications installations and electrical equipment and promotes the efficient use of frequencies as well as the implementation of technical innovations.

Universal service for telecommunications (admin.ch)
Universal service for payment transactions (admin.ch)
Numbering & telephony (admin.ch)
Internet domain names (admin. ch)


At the international level, OFCOM also supports access to information and communications technology and the internet. This can be achieved, in particular, by strengthening an appropriate institutional and regulatory framework as well as by developing the relevant capacities and skills through international organisations and processes based in Geneva. It also works to reduce the digital divide between and within countries. Furthermore, in the area of global digital governance, it supports efforts at the international level to ensure that ‘weaker’ and smaller actors, in particular governments, business and civil society representatives from developing countries, can also identify and articulate their needs and concerns.

This includes, but is not limited to:

International activities (admin.ch)
Coherent foreign policy in the digital space (admin.ch)


OFCOM creates the general conditions required to consolidate a diversified media system enabling the democratic formation of opinion and will. In doing so, it takes into account the changing usage habits of people in Switzerland as well as technical and economic transformation processes.
OFCOM creates the conditions for an identity-forming public service at the national, linguistic region and local level in the area of electronic media. It also lays the foundations ensuring the continued modernisation of media. 

Media policy (admin.ch)
Support for the press (admin.ch)
Package of measures in favour of the media (admin.ch)


In its activities in various international bodies (e.g. Council of Europe, UNESCO, ITU, UN, OECD, IGF, etc.), OFCOM promotes good governance, seeks to strengthen the involvement of all stakeholders and supports human rights, democracy and the rule of law. 

Specialist staff
Last modification 28.05.2021

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