Private customers

The e-bill – paperless, simple and secure in online banking.

Requirements / getting started

  • You need an online banking contract with a financial institution in Switzerland which supports e-billing and internet access.
  • Log on to online banking and select the "e-bill" menu item.
  • If up to now you have not been receiving e-bills, firstly please register to subscribe to e-billing. Only then can you register with your billers to receive e-bills.
  • Select from the list of billers the desired administration unit of the Swiss Confederation in order to register.
  • In the registration screen, enter your personal data and your customer number.


You can find your customer number on our bill (see example above right). If you have any other questions, please refer to our technical contact.

The advantages of using the e-bill

  • I receive my e-bill directly via my online banking software - quickly, reliably and anywhere.
  • I can view my bill, check it and approve it for payment with a few clicks of my mouse - round the clock and from any computer with internet access.
  • I no longer need to enter the data for the payment manually.
  • I retain full control over when I release the payment.
  • If necessary I can save the e-bills on my computer or print them out and file them.

Specialist staff
Last modification 23.03.2011

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