Broadcasting Directives regulate the dissemination of radio and TV

The Federal Council has issued the new Directives for the dissemination of radio and TV programme services in the long, medium and short-wave bands plus the VHF and UHF bands. As a result, DETEC is now able to release frequencies for broadcasting.

The Federal Council Directives on the use of frequencies for radio and television of 22 December 2010 (Broad-casting Directives) contain in particular the delegation of competencies to the Swiss Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC) which will decide on the release of individual frequencies for radio and TV broadcasting, specify the most important utilisation modalities and inform the radio licensing authority (ComCom or OFCOM) accordingly. The new Directives are effective from 1 February 2011 and replace the VHF-UHF Directives of 2 May 2007, which only regulated the digital dissemination of radio and TV programme services in the specified bands.

Specialist staff
Last modification 09.02.2011

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