Under certain conditions, the registries for the ".ch" and ".swiss" domain are required to block domain names suspected of being used for phishing, for the distribution of harmful software ("malware") or to support such activities.
The measures to combat cybercrime using domain names as laid down in the Ordinance on Internet Domains (OID; CC 784.104.2) apply to top-level internet domains for the management of which the Confederation is responsible, i.e. the ".ch" and ".swiss" domains; in particular, they give the registries responsible for the management of these resources the possibility of temporarily blocking ".ch" and ".swiss" domain names where there are reasonable grounds to suspect that they are being used:
- to access sensitive data using illegal methods (phishing)
- to distribute or operate harmful software ("malware") or
- to support any of these activities.
Registries are, moreover, obliged to block these domain names at the request of an anti-cybercrime service recognised by OFCOM.
Under Article 15 para. 1 let. b of the OID, it is OFCOM's task to recognise the services which may request the ".ch" and ".swiss" registries to block domain names. Recognition of such a service is not automatic, but requires that the requesting service submits a justified written recognition request to OFCOM (cf. Section 5 of the Technical and Administrative Regulations regarding the assignment and management of ".ch" domain names, CC 784.101.113/2.13 and Section 9 of the Technical and Administrative Regulations regarding the assignment and management of ".swiss" domain names, CC 784.101.113/2.14).
List of recognised anti-cybercrime services according to Art. 15 para. 3 OID (CC 784.104.2)
Name, address | Activities | Date of recognition |
National Cyber Security Centre NCSC |
The National Cybersecurity Centre (NCSC) is the Confederation's competence centre for cybersecurity and thus the first contact point for businesses, public administrations, educational institutions and the general public for cyberissues. | 15.06.2010 |
Zurich Cantonal Police |
Cybercrime investigative procedures. Operation – jointly with the Zurich Public Prosecutor’s Office and the City Police – a centre of cybercrime competence. |
09.02.2018 |
Kantonspolizei Bern
Kriminalabteilung Dezernat Digitale Kriminalität Nordring 30 Postfach CH-3001 Bern Tel. +41 (0)31 638 51 80 |
Unit coordinates and conducts investigations in the field of cybercrime | 03.04.2019 |
Federal Office of Police fedpol Guisanplatz 1A CH-3003 Berne email: Contact Form http://www.fedpol.admin.ch |
Combating cybercrime, detecting offences committed on the Internet, prosecuting serious cross-border crime, coordinating and supporting investigation procedures at both national and international levels. | |
Zuger Polizei
Dienst Cyber- und Wirtschaftsdelikte
Fachstelle Cyber
An der Aa 4
CH-6300 Zug Tel. +41 (0)41 728 41 41 |
Investigation procedures and prevention in the field of cybercrime and digitalised crime, Cybercrime Coordination Unit | 10.12.2019 |
Kantonspolizei Schwyz
Kriminalpolizei Dienst Cybercrime Sicherheitsstützpunkt Biberbrugg Einsiedlerstrasse 55 CH-8836 Bennau Tel. +41 (0)41 819 59 86 |
The Cyber Crime Service strives to ensure greater safety in the digital environment through its prevention efforts and repression measures, and conducts investigations in the area of cyber crime in consultation with the public prosecutor's office. The Service investigates all forms of cyber crime. | 19.03.2020 |
Police cantonale vaudoise E-mail: info.police@vd.ch |
Investigation procedure and prevention assistance in the field of cybercrime. | 08.06.2020 |
Swissmedic |
Detecting and fighting against fraudulent activities (in particular Phishing) in connection with the online purchase of medicinal products. | 23.04.2021 |
Polizei Basel-Landschaft +41 (0)61 553 35 35 E-mail: pol.staberm@bl.ch |
The Cybercrime Competence Centre is the coordination unit for cybercrime investigations within the Basel-Landschaft police force. As such, it is the central point of contact for members of the force in investigation support for such offences. The Cybercrime Competence Centre also acts as a single point of contact for external partners, such as public prosecutors’ offices and other police forces. | 17.12.2021 |
Etat-major de la Police Judiciaire Brigade de Criminalité Informatique (BCI) Brigade des Cyber Enquêtes (BCE) |
BCI: Specialises in the forensic analysis of various digital media and supports the BCE in the analysis of cybercrime-related activities in general. BCE: Responsible for police investigations related to the main current cybercrime-related activities, including economic cybercrime, sexual cybercrime, reputational cyber damage and fraudulent practices. |
14.01.2022 |
Kantonspolizei Graubünden Kriminalpolizei Cybercrime Dienst Ringstrasse 2 7000 Chur E-mail: Kontaktformular www.kapo.gr.ch/cybercrime |
The Cybercrime Unit of the Cantonal Police of Graubünden is a specialised unit for combating cybercrime. On the one hand, it conducts its own investigations in the field of cybercrime in the strict sense (malware, hacking, phishing, DDoS, botnet, etc.), but also in the field of investigations in the broad sense (fraud, threats, etc.). | 22.11.2022 |
Polizia Cantonale E-mail: sati@polca.ti.ch |
The Cyber Investigations Unit within SATI mainly conducts investigations in the area of cybercrime, more specifically investigations related to major technical cybercrime incidents (phishing, hacking, malware, botnet, DoS/DDoS, etc.). | 14.12.2022 |
Police cantonale Tel. +41 (0)26 305 18 66 E-mail: cybercrime@fr.ch |
The Cyber Investigation Unit within the Cybercrime Commissariat of the Cantonal Police of Fribourg is the coordination unit responsible for cybercrime investigations as well as the corresponding prevention. It acts as SPOC for external partners such as public prosecutors and conducts investigations in the field of cybercrime in the narrower sense (phishing, hacking, malware, botnet, DoS/DDoS, etc.). It provides support in digital crime investigations (cybercrime in the broader sense). | 24.01.2023 |
Kantonspolizei St.Gallen Tel. +41 58 229 49 49 (Hauptnummer Kapo SG) E-mail: |
The IT Forensics & Cybercrime Division (IFC) is the coordination unit for all cybercrime investigations within the Cantonal Police of St. Gallen. The IFC Division consists of two groups: Cyber Investigation & Data Analysis (IFC1) and IT Forensics & Technical Surveillance (IFC2). The latter is also responsible for investigations of cybercrime incidents in the narrower sense (malware, hacking, phishing, DDoS, botnet, etc.) as well as technically complex facts related to other cybercrime incidents (broader sense). | 01.02.2023 |
Police neuchâteloise Brigade des cyberenquêtes et brigade d'investigation numérique Rue des Poudrières 14 Case postale CH-2000 Neuchâtel Service de piquet: +41 32 889 90 00 E-mail: pn.cyber@ne.ch |
The squad is responsible for handling cybersecurity cases and complaints within the Neuchâtel police force. It supports the Gendarmerie and liaises with the Office of the Public Prosecutor in Neuchâtel. It also undertakes prevention tasks. | 12.12.2023 |
Legal basis
CC 784.101.113/2.13 Technical and Administrative Regulations regarding the assignment and management of second-level domain names under the ".ch" domain
8th edition: 18.11.2020 / Entry into force: 01.01.2021
CC 784.101.113/2.14 Technical and Administrative Regulations regarding the assignment and management of second-level domain names under the ".swiss" domain
3nd edition: 18.11.2020 / Entry into force: 01.01.2021
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Last modification 31.07.2024