Registration / cancellation

I only use my television set for DVDs, videos, games consoles, etc. Do I still have to pay the fees?

The obligation to pay fees for radio/television reception exists regardless of whether and how the receiver uses the equipment. If a radio or television is present in a household via which reception is technically possible, the obligation to pay fees still applies.

I have had my cable connection sealed off / I have had the aerial removed / I have a satellite dish: do I have to pay reception fees?

As far as the obligation to pay the fees is concerned, it is irrelevant whether programmes are received via an aerial, satellite, internet or cable. It is the possibility of receiving programmes which is relevant. If equipment with a receiving component is modified in such a way that reception is technically impossible, there is no obligation to register or pay fees. If reception is possible by a simple action (such as plugging in the aerial, etc.), there is an obligation to register and pay the fees.

I am already paying cable network fees to the landlord. Do I have to pay reception fees?

Yes.The Cable network fees have nothing to do with the reception fees. These are fees which are payable to the cable network operator for the possibility of receiving programmes via the cable network (instead of via satellite, for example). Many landlords pass the costs for connection to the cable network on to their tenants.

If I am registered with Billag AG, do I have to notify my change of address?

Yes. Changes of address must be communicated to Billag AG.

I have realised that I have been paying double fees for years because I was registered twice. What should I do?

Billag AG must be informed immediately, in writing. At most, the excess fees paid within the last 5 years can be refunded.

I already pay radio reception fees. Now I want to buy a TV set. Do I have to communicate this to Billag AG?

Yes. Both items of equipment must be registered.

What do I have to do to register?

You can register by telephone, in writing or via the internet. It is preferable to register in writing.

A representative of Billag AG has visited me. I signed the registration form but afterwards realised that the start time of registration or other information is incorrect. What should I do?

By signing, you confirmed that you had reception equipment available at the time and are therefore obliged to register and pay fees. If you know some information was incorrect, Billag AG must be informed immediately in writing. Billag AG will look into the matter and may reconsider your registration where applicable.

I don't have a radio or television any more. What do I have to do?

You must inform Billag AG in writing (by mail, email or via the internet) of the cessation of operation of your reception equipment; otherwise the obligation to pay the fees remains in force.

I have moved and am no longer receiving bills for reception fees. What should I do?

You have to inform immediately Billag AG. The change of address has to be communicated to them.

Do I have to pay reception fees for my car radio?

Yes. A functioning car radio is subject to the obligation to register and pay the fees for radio reception.

I use my mobile phone to listen to radio. Do I have to register and pay fees?

Yes. A mobile phone is deemed to be radio equipment if it can receive radio programmes.

I have a mobile phone which can receive television programmes. Do I have to register and pay fees?

Television reception on mobile telephones is subject to the obligation to pay fees, whether as digital television according to the DVB-T standard or with reception via streaming (EDGE/UMTS/HSDPA), e.g. "Swisscom TV air" or "Sunrise Mobile TV". Reception quality for both transmission techniques (DVB-T and streaming) is now comparable to that of traditional appliances.

During the week I spend time alternately at home and at my second home. Do I have to pay fees for both?

In order to be subject to the obligation to register and pay a second licence fee for their second home, the occupant must spend three nights or more per week during half the relevant period (minimum of three months).

Do I have to pay the fees again for the radio or television in my holiday home, which is only used privately?

If a household is already registered for private reception, week-end and holiday homes are covered by this registration.

We are three students living in a student residence. Does each of us have to register and pay fees?

Yes. A student residence is defined as a large or collective household.

Do all residents of my communal dwelling have to register and pay fees?

No. It is sufficient for one person to register and pay fees.

I am leaving Switzerland to reside abroad. What do I have to do?

The change of residence has to be notified immediately Billag AG in writing. Persons who reside abroad and who spend a maximum of 90 days per calendar year or 90 consecutive days in Switzerland are exempted from the obligation to register.

If I inform Billag AG in writing that I don't have a radio or television any more, up to what point am I obliged to pay the fees?

The obligation ends on the last day of the month in which the collection agency is informed in writing of cessation of operation.

Do people with hearing difficulties have to pay the radio and television reception fees?

Yes. They must pay the radio and television reception fees if radio or television sets are present in their household.

Do prisoners have to pay the fees?

Yes. No exceptions are envisaged in the legislation on prisoners.

When a death is notified to Billag SA, are any fees already paid refunded?

Yes. Whether billing is for three months or annual, Billag SA will refund the fees paid for the months following the death.

Further information

Specialist staff
Last modification 22.02.2011

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