Equipment marking

All telecommunications equipment that is offered or placed on the market must bear the following indications:

  • type designation, series, serial number or other appropriate information so that it can be unambiguously identified;
  • the name, the company or the registered trade mark of the manufacturer and the postal address where he can be reached;
  • if applicable the name, trading name or registered trade mark of the importer and the postal address where he can be reached, if the manufacturer is not established in Switzerland, in the European Union or in the European Economic Area (if this is not possible, this information shall be applied to the packaging of the equipment or included in an accompanying document).
  • Conformity mark;
  • if applicable identification number of the conformity assessment body.

These indications must be affixed in a permanent manner and must be easily visible.


Conformity mark

By affixing the conformity mark, the manufacturer declares that the equipment is in conformity with the provisions of the law relating to the placing on the market of radiocommunications equipment.

The following conformity mark has to be affixed on the radiocommunications equipment:

Swiss conformity mark

The letters "CH" must have a height of at least 5 mm. If the mark is reduced or enlarged, the proportions must be respected.

Since this mark is valid only for Switzerland, the conformity mark applicable to radiocommunications equipment placed on the market of the European Community may also be used as an alternative:

European conformity mark

Conformity mark specified in Annex II of Regulation (EC) No 765/200837. The illustration is for information purposes. If the mark is reduced or enlarged, the proportions must be respected.

Specialist staff
Last modification 19.08.2019

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