
Diese Referenzliste ist dem Kapitel 1.2 der technischen und administrativen Vorschriften entnommen. Es handelt sich um Links, welche einen schnelleren Zugriff zu den referenzierten Dokumenten ermöglichen soll.

Technische und administrative Vorschriften

ETSI  EN 319 411-2 V2.4.1 (2021-11) Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures (ESI); Policy and Security Requirements for Trust Service Providers issuing certificates; Part 2: Requirements for trust service providers issuing EU qualified certificates
ETSI TS 119 431-1 V1.2.1 (2021-05) Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures (ESI); Policy and security requirements for trust service providers; Part 1: TSP service components operating a remote QSCD / SCDev
ETSI TS 119 461 V1.1.1 (2021-07) Policy and security requirements for trust service components providing identity proofing of trust service subjects
ETSI EN 319 412-1 V1.4.4 (2021-05) Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures (ESI); Certificate Profiles; Part 1: Overview and common data structures
ETSI EN 319 412-2 V2.2.1 (2020-07) Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures (ESI); Certificate Profiles; Part 2: Certificate profile for certificates issued to natural persons
ETSI EN 319 412-3 V1.2.1 (2020-07) Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures (ESI); Certificate Profiles; Part 3: Certificate profile for certificates issued to legal persons
ETSI EN 319 412-4 V1.2.1 (2021-11) Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures (ESI); Certificate Profiles; Part 4: Certificate profile for web site certificates
ETSI EN 319 412-5 V2.3.1 (2020-04) Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures (ESI); Certificate Profiles; Part 5: QCStatements
ETSI EN 319 421 V1.1.1 (2016-03) Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures (ESI); Policy and Security Requirements for Trust Service Providers issuing Time-Stamps
ETSI EN 319 422, V1.1.1 (2016-03)  Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures (ESI); Time-stamping protocol and time-stamp token profiles

RFC 5280 (Mai 2008) Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure - Certificate and CRL Profile

FIPS 140-2 (2001), Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules
FIPS 140-3 (2019), Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules

EN 419211-2:2013 Protection profiles for secure signature creation device. Part 2: Device with key generation
EN 419211-3:2014 Protection profiles for secure signature creation device. Part 3: Device with key import
EN 419211-4:2014 Protection profiles for secure signature creation device. Part 4: Extension for device with key generation and trusted channel to certificate generation application
EN 419211-5:2014 Protection profiles for secure signature creation device. Part 5: Extension for device with key generation and trusted channel to signature creation application
EN 419211-6:2014 Protection profiles for secure signature creation device. Part 6: Extension for device with key import and trusted channel to signature creation application
EN 419241-1:2018 Trustworthy Systems Supporting Server Signing – Part 1: General System Security Requirements
EN 419241-2:2019 Protection Profile for QSCD for Server Signing
EN 419221-5:2018 Protection Profiles for TSP Cryptographic Modules – Part 5: Cryptographic Module for Trust Services

ISO/IEC 15408-3:2008 Information technology – Security techniques. Evaluation criteria for IT security —Part 3: Security assurance components

Common PKI Specifications for Interoperable Applications. Version 2.0 – 20 January 2009

Letzte Änderung 25.02.2022

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